Best Way to Do If You Don't Want to Blog

What to do when you don't feel like writing a blog

Hi, I'm Takeo Fujii. In this article, I don't feel like writing a blog post."Three ways to deal with it."I will explain the

When you don't feel like writing a blog post, you can try this to get yourself into a state where you can write smoothly.

I will also show you the methods that companies like Googel and Apple are practicing. This is a method that I myself practice, so it should be easy to feel the effects.

Please take a look until the end.

I'm sure you've had the experience of not feeling like writing a blog.

I can't find the motivation to write a blog.

I don't feel like writing a blog post. It's a pain in the ass.Honestly, we've all been there.I'm not sure what to do. If you're typing all day, you're going to get frustrated.

I've never been good at writing blog posts myself. After all, I am a slow keyboard typist. Therefore, it takes me a long time to type on the keyboard.

Well, it's quite stressful. I get sick of it.

Even so, I am now able to continue writing blog posts without stress.

If you're feeling stressed about writing blog posts, this should help. If you're stressed out about writing blog posts, this should help.

Here are three things to do when you don't feel like writing a blog.

Even if you hate writing blog posts to death, don't worry. You can get motivated to write a blog post. This method is possible even for people like me who have a habit of slacking off. You can mass produce blog posts without stress.

I would like you to try this method. I'll start by explaining the effective method.

1) Write a blog using voice input.

Blogging with Dictation & Google Docs

The first. Voice input. Most bloggers probably use keyboard input when writing articles.

Just trying to write 1,000 to 2,000 words in a blog post using keyboard input is a challenge. If you're a slow typist, it can take you an hour or two.

Also, typing on a keyboard for a couple of hours will tire your arms. If this becomes a habit, there is a risk of developing tendinitis.

The method I practice in creating blog posts is "voice input.

I don't even use a keyboard.Google DocsIt's a free application from Google. Please feel free to use it.

Google Docs has a voice input feature.

When you connect a microphone, you can input your voice on Google Docs. Click on the microphone to speak, and your spoken voice will be transcribed as you speak.

As a result, you can enter text as if you were talking to the person in front of you, without having to type on a keyboard.

What microphones do you recommend for voice input?

If you want to choose one for the purpose of voice inputIt doesn't have to be an expensive microphone.A microphone that can be purchased for less than 2,000 yen at an electronics store will suffice.

I haven't tried it, but it looks like you can use your phone as a microphone.

The key to choosing a microphone for voice input is whether it can pick up your voice as speech and recognize it accurately.

I'll also introduce the microphone I use, a USB condenser microphone called Blue Yeti X. You can buy it on Amazon for about 22,000 yen. If you have any doubts, please refer to this page.

I use dictation not only for blogging, but also for any kind of writing, as my arms get tired after seven or eight hours of keyboard typing a day, so I rely mostly on dictation.

For dictation, you can create a blog post of about 10,000 to 20,000 words per hour.

(2) Take a nap to recover your energy.

Take a nap at work to increase productivity.

The second way to deal with this is to take a nap.If you're tired of writing blog posts, a nap is one way to help.It is.

Companies such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Nike also recommend napping.

There is also a nap pod at Google's headquarters where you can take a nap. In these pods, there is no sound or light, so you can take a good nap.

NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, has also conducted sleep experiments.A 26-minute nap improves cognitive performance by 341 TP1T and attention by 541 TP1T.This was the result of the study.

The task of writing a blog uses your brain. Therefore, incorporating naps into your routine will help you stay productive.

Bloggers and the Autonomic Nervous System

Forcing yourself to write a blog will cause stress and a definite drop in productivity.

When the brain gets tired, the body also gets tired. By writing a blog post while looking at a computer screen, the sympathetic nervous system becomes dominant due to tension. Working for a long period of time causes an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system.

Result.The autonomic nervous system functions poorly, and the physical reaction is fatigue.This will cause the

I know bloggers who have suffered health problems due to long hours at their desks. I was one of them.

Even a 5 or 10 minute nap during the day can improve productivity.

Your HP (health) is in the red gauge, and you will die even if you try your best. It's like recovering to the green gauge and then continuing to work.

If you feel stressed about blogging, it's a danger sign. Take a nap.

(3) Read/listen to podcasts

When you get a job, reading will drastically reduce your stress.

This is one of the routines I do when I'm not feeling motivated. I either read or listen to a podcast. Either of these. Either is fine.

I try to read for 15 minutes on my kindle and then write my blog. The more unmotivated I am, the more reading other people's writing inspires me to write.

I want you to try this one time when you lose the energy to write a blog. When I lost my energy, I found that I could write more smoothly by myself if I did some reading afterwards. I wonder why this is?

If reading is not an option, listening to podcasts can also be effective.

Actually, it doesn't have to be a podcast, but you can listen to a human voice only, with very little music.

In this sense, I also recommend watching the National Diet. You should be able to feel the effect after listening to it for about 15 minutes.

Try it once.

[Conclusion] For those who don't feel like writing a blog

For those who don't feel like writing a blog

We've all had the experience of not feeling like writing a blog. We're all human.

When I don't have the motivation to write, there are three methods I have implemented that have worked for me.

  • voice input
  • sleep (lying down)
  • Read/listen to podcasts

All of these methods are easy to implement. Try them when you don't feel like writing a blog. You will feel the effect.

Also.Time management techniques that can also be used in blog writing.I wrote about this in the article below.

>>[The 33 minute and 33 second rule] Time management techniques using a kitchen timer

Using this time management technique, you can dramatically improve your performance in blog writing. If you want to be more productive at work and in your daily life, this will definitely help you. Please try it.

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