Hi, I'm Takeru Fujii, and I've been asked to compare Dangan Page Builder and Colorful, a WordPress page builder.
We will compare these two. First of all, let's talk about the WordPress Page Builder.
What is WordPress Page Builder?
You want to create an LP (Landing Page) with WordPress. In that case, you can use WordPress Page Builder.
Using the page builder, you can freely customize the design of your pages. Here are some examples.

Above is a past page I created.
As you can see, the WodPress page builder allows you to change the layout and install the design as you like. ...although the design of the page above is simple lol.

You can also create this kind of design on WordPress.
WordPress page builder used in Japan.
There are numerous WordPress page builders in the world.
Among them, the WordPress page builder used by many Japanese people is
- Dangan Page Builder
- Colorful
These are the two. Both are page builders that allow you to create landing pages on WordPress.
There are famous page builders in the world such as Elementor and Oxygen Builder, but there is no famous WordPress page builder made in Japan. It's a pity.
However, in some cases, Dangana page builder is easier to use than Elementor.In Japan, Dangan page builder and Colorful are used.
My use experience
A few people who read this blog have asked me for advice, saying they don't know which one to use.
If you're wondering why I'm here, you can find me on a search engine.Dangan Page BuilderMy article that I wrote about was in the third or fourth place. It seems that people are coming to consult me via search engines.
Actually, yes. I've used both Dangan page builder and Colorful (colorful) in the past.
As for Dangan page builder, I've been using it since the very beginning when it was just pre-sold.
I can talk in detail about the differences, advantages and disadvantages of both. I am proud to say that I can talk about things that other people cannot.
What Dangan Page Builder and Colorful have in common
First, let's talk about the basic similarities between Dangan Page Builder and Colorful.
Dangan Page Builder and Colorful are both commonly used by people selling information products, seminars and digital content.
This is because both Dangan Page Builder and Colorful are sold on the information product ASP "infotop". Both Colorful and Dangan Page Builder are now available on infotop.
Both were always high in the infotop rankings. Therefore, they are now being used by digital content sellers as a buying audience.
By the way, Colorful was released first. Colorful was released before Dangan Page Builder. It's been on the market for a long time. Dangan Page Builder was released a few years later.
As a matter of fact, both of these WordPress page builders have their shortcomings.
The disadvantage of Colorful is that it is a WordPress theme.
First of all, Colorful already has a lot of users. There is a sense of security that there are people using this WordPress page builder.
However, the disadvantage is that it is a "WordPress theme". This means that you need to install Colorful as your WordPress theme.
If you don't have Colorful installed on your WordPress system, you can't create a landing page. I personally think this is a big disadvantage.
To create a landing page, you can use Colorful on WordPress.Once installed, the site is "completely for creating landing pages.You have to use it as
In other words, you have to go to the trouble of installing WordPress just to create a landing page with Colorful.
Dangan Page Builder is a WordPress Plugin
In contrast.Dangan Page Builder is a WordPress PluginIt is.
In other words, it's not a WordPress theme. You don't need to go to the trouble of setting up a website just to create a landing page.
Dangan page builder is much easier to use. However, Dangan page builder also has its weaknesses.
The disadvantage of the Dangan page builder is that it does not support Gutenberg.
The functions are outdated.
When the Dangan page builder was first launched, it was a different editing screen for WordPress than it is now. Now it's a new editor called Gutenberg.
Therefore, when you write in WordPress, you write in Gutenberg, and Dangan page builder is not compatible with the current WordPress editor.

I'm sorry, Dangan page builder is not supported.
You need a separate plugin to use Dangan Page Builder.
Using the Dangan page builder in Gutenberg does not work. So how can I do it?
How to use the Dangan Page BuilderYou will need to install another WordPress plugin called "Classic Editor".
If you do not install this plugin, Dangan Page Builder will not work.
This Classic Editor is a plugin that forces you to the old editing screen of WordPress.
In other words, the Dangana Page Builder does not support the new editing screen, so you will have to force yourself to use the Classic Editor to revert to the old editing screen.
Bad points/disadvantages of domestic WordPress page builders
I'm currently using the WordPress page builder.Brizyand Elementor. These page builders are made overseas.
The reason why I don't use Dangan Page Builder or Colorful to create landing pages is simply "functional difference".
The Brizy and Elementor are simply better in terms of functionality.
See below.

This is the process of creating a landing page in WordPress Page Builder Brizy.
By using Brizy, you can create landing pages with intuitive operations. It is also clearly superior to other WordPress page builders in Japan in terms of other features.
You may have felt uncomfortable reading this far. It may seem that I am trying to demean Japanese page builders and lift up foreign page builders.
It's just...It's clear that foreign WordPress page builders are winning, and there's no way around it.I think it's a good idea.
Because foreign WordPress page builders can get customers in English speaking countries. Japanese WordPress page builders can only get customers in Japan (because they are in Japanese).
And if they have a lot of customers, they have a lot of money. That's why Elementor, an international WordPress page builder, has been advertising heavily. We also have a growing development team and can keep adding features.
In other words, in some respects, it is inevitable that domestic WordPress page builders cannot compete in terms of functionality. Because only Japanese users can be approached.
Dangan page builder and Colorful are both easy to use.
Compared to other page builders, Dangan page builder and Colorful are inferior in function.
However, there is one area where domestic WordPress page builders are winning. That is "affordability".
First of all, both of them are designed for Japanese people. In other words, you can create a landing page with a design that is familiar to Japanese people.
together with ...Both Colorful and Dangan page builder are cheap.Dangan page builder is 12,800 yen, and Colorful is less than 10,000 yen. The price is cheap, isn't it? And it's a buy-one-get-one-free type.
It costs $49 per year for the paid version of Elementor, a WordPress page builder from overseas. You can't buy it outright.
Both Colorful and Dangan page builder do not offer professional looking designs. However, even a beginner can create a landing page with a flawless design.
I gave it a bad review.Actually, I think both are "good in their own way".Especially for beginners, Dangan Page Builder or Colorful may be easier to use than using English-speaking pages. They are also reasonably priced.
Another WordPress page builder if you want functionality.
It's all about how you use it.
If you have a reason to stick with a domestic WordPress page builder, Dangan page builder and Colorful.
If you want to choose a WordPress page builder with higher functionality, higher design, and in line with global standards, I recommend an international WordPress page builder.
By the way, the recommended page builder that I use on this site is Brizy. The actual usability and features are explained by me in Japanese. Please read the article below. Go ahead.
>>How to use WordPress Page Builder Brizy, the complete guide
The top page is also made with Brizy. If you are curious about what kind of landing page you can make with Brizy, please visit the top page of our website.
[Summary] Comparison of Colorful and Dangan Page Builder
In this article, I compared Colorful and Dangan page builder. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.
Either is fine. There are some usability issues with both. I'm not sure what to think.
It's not that you can't create landing pages, but if you're looking for functionality, I recommend using a foreign page builder in the first place.
If you are a daily reader of my articles, I would recommend Elementor or Brizy.
If you want an affordable page builder that is made in Japan, you can use either Colorful or Dangan page builder.
If there is anything you would like to know more about the WordPress page builder in the future, please feel free to leave a comment. There is a comment box at the bottom of this article. I will explain again if there are any comments.
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