Business is All About Providing Value? Is That True?

Don't provide value.

This is Takeo Fujii. I wrote this article because "providing value" as it is called in the business world is too wasteful.

This article will help you understand what "real" value proposition is. If you understand it, you will be able to lower the bar for your business.

If you're a bottom-feeder business account operator who is waiting for "likes" by dropping flaky, cold tweets on Twitter under the guise of providing value, be sure to read this.

I know this sounds harsh from the start, but I don't want you to be forever misunderstood and sending out painful information.

Let me be clear, at least to those who have arrived at my blog post.

What is value provision?

value proposition

Providing value is "providing value. It is as it is.

1 The degree to which a thing is useful. Value. A book worth reading, a worthy winner.

2 In economics, the essence of the exchange value of a commodity. →The theory of value

3 In philosophy, a quality with absolutes that should always be recognized through every individual and society. True, good, beautiful, etc.

Reference.Meaning of "value" - goo Japanese Dictionary

One word, value, can take a whole day to think about.

In this case, we'll refer to the top one. The value is "how useful is it?"

In other words, let's simply think of it as "providing something useful.

However, the question arises as to what kind of state is useful here. Actually, this part is related to the theme of this article.

The so-called value proposition is wrong.

There are many people who claim that "providing value is important.

It's a common refrain among business people, and I see it frequently in the tweets of YouTubers and influencers.

In their reply, "Yes, you're right! You're right, Mr. 00!" or "You're right, Mr. 00! I think it's important to provide value!"

I'm going to provide value, and I'm going to provide value too."

and similar agreeing replies are attached.

My impression is that the term "value proposition" is gradually starting to be used in a different way.

The poor accounts on Twitter that shout, "Value proposition! The poor accounts that shout "It's about providing value!" on Twitter seem to misunderstand that the act of creating content = providing value anyway.

Will the recipient judge it as "providing value"?

I made an e-book. I gave it away for free. Is this providing value?

No matter how hard you try to make it, if the recipient thinks that the e-book is garbage, then you are not providing value, you are providing garbage.

Tragically, there are a lot of people who are doing this same thing with their value proposition.

Fake business information is useless.

Take a YouTube video and write a blog post. That's not the only way to provide value. You're just creating content.

The best example is the fake business people tweet.

When I see big names in the field such as Manabu and Ikehaja tweeting, "It's important to tweet things that provide value," I tweet thin things that seem to have value.

However, if you are tweeting in private, I have no problem with that. But if you're just doing business to make money (or get attention), tweeting thinly-veiled value propositions will only get you a thin response.

Business is staging. Make the best product/service with the best presentation. If you have a flimsy presentation and a flimsy way of attracting attention, your potential customers will cool off.

Provide value only to those who will pay for it.

I lazily wrote this and that insidious sentence.

The main conclusion is that the key to providing value is from the perspective of the person paying the money.

You don't need to think about providing value to everyone in the world. It is enough to provide value to your prospects and customers.

The consuming act of spreading flimsy content tainted with your ego and desire for self-approval is not the way to go.

Provide what they (the customers) need and want. This is value provision.

Customers who have paid for you at least once, or potential customers who may buy from you. Provide value to them.

What do they want and what do they need? Know them better than they know themselves.

Our attitude is to know what they want and provide it to them.

It is not a good idea to spread out thin content, saying, "You want this, right?

Research your customers now.

One of the quickest ways to do this is to create a survey using Google Forms and ask your existing customers.

It's something that I've done a lot of research on and cut into. Provide more and more value to it.

Write a blog post about what they want to know, write an e-book about what they want to know, etc. Be sure to provide the information in a way that is partner-driven, not self-directed.

If you are going to receive money, even more so. Be thorough if you don't want to go out of business. It only takes one wrong understanding of value proposition to put you out of business.

Provide value effectively without wasting time. This concept of "without waste" is calledMy Profol pageThis is an important concept in business, as discussed in

There may be some resistance. But please give it a try.

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